January 2022 US Mobile Banking App Performance Review

As a bank, you are constantly striving for peak performance with your mobile app by providing relevant information and direction so you can prioritize actions and understand what needs to be improved. Currently, app feedback cannot be understood and analyzed with the necessary detail and agility.

Each month we review and analyse large volumes of banking app feedback in the US Market and give you insights into issues and opportunities. See how you compare with some US banks in our January 2022 Update.

Join us as we compare the performance of Banking Apps in the US Market each month. According to Engaged Customer Rankings Data, Who comes out on top? Who were the biggest movers (up and down) and which features and journeys have been identified as having issues and what needs to be prioritized by that bank to get back up the rankings. A short sharp look at this critical digital tool each month powered by some of the world’s most cutting edge technology making it easier to identify and prioritize actions to improve your mobile app.

If you would like a personalized look at your own bank's performance and insight we can give you, feel free to contact Touchpoint Group today and we can organize a specific insights session just for your business.


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