Touchpoint Group Webinars and Monthly Reviews

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Analyzing The Performance of the Indian Banking App Ecosystem

In a recent session hosted by Touchpoint Group, we expired the performance of Indian banking apps to share insights into the prevailing trends and challenges within the industry. Leveraging Touchpoint Groups AI driven Ipiphany CX and Data analysis solution, a comprehensive dataset of over a million reviews was sourced and used from global banking institutions.

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Analyzing Jan 2024 US Banking App Performance with AI Insights

The Jan 2024 US Banking App Insights Session delved into a comprehensive analysis of the performance of various banking apps within the US market. Led by Yazad Karkaria, Global Head of AI Analytics and CX Strategy at Touchpoint Group, the session utilized Ipiphany, the AI-powered analytics platform, to provide deep insights into the digital performance of banking apps.

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2023 Australian Banking App Awards

The 2023 Banking App Awards for the Australian market have shed light on the exceptional achievements of banks in providing top-tier mobile banking experiences. The awards encompassed a comprehensive evaluation of banking apps, emphasising various critical aspects of their performance.

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2023 Touchpoint Group Banking App Awards Announcements

The Touchpoint Group Banking App Awards showcase the best banking app experiences in the US and UK markets from a customer perspective. They recognise the work of the teams that have created exceptional experiences for their customers across foundational attributes and core app customer journeys. Congratulations to our 2023 award winners!

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