Build Effective Banking App Reporting Frameworks Within Minutes!
In the latest Touchpoint Group insights session we focused on covering key aspects of Ipiphany, our proprietary AI text analytics platform designed to transform open-ended customer feedback into actionable insights.
Ipiphany simplifies the traditionally complex and time-consuming process of building reporting frameworks by offering pre-defined, detailed topics. This enables the swift generation of insights without extensive set up nor training.
Advanced customisation options mean users can explore emerging themes, and create highly focused topics tailored to specific business needs.
Our clients also benefit from robust visualisation tools that present data in a clear and organised manner, aiding both internal analysis and communication with stakeholders. Ipiphany's adaptability ensures that new and/ or evolving feedback is continuously integrated, keeping businesses responsive to changing customer needs.
We enable the rapid development of reporting frameworks by offering sector-relevant, predefined topics that significantly reduce the time and effort required to begin generating valuable insights.
Our advanced customisation tools empower users to delve deeply into customer language, creating highly focused topics that address specific business concerns. Additionally, Ipiphany provides comprehensive visualisation features that present data in a clear and organised format, making it easier to analyse feedback, connect with relevant verbatims, and communicate findings to stakeholders.
Ipiphany is designed to continuously adapt, integrating new feedback to help businesses remain responsive to evolving customer needs and trends.
Banks interested in exploring how Ipiphany can enhance the value of customer feedback (their customers, and potentially those of competitors) are encouraged to contact us for a demo.
Ipiphany can transform how banks address customer needs, ensuring they stay ahead in an ever-competitive market.

Video Transcript
00:00:05 - Glenn: Hi everybody, welcome back to another Touchpoint Group Insight session. We covered a lot in that last session. Just to recap, we looked at the importance of analysing open ended feedback, which is an untapped goldmine. We covered the depth of topics available in Ipiphany, which gives such a strong head start to all users. And then we looked at exploring insights and topics.
Now, in just 15 minutes of uploading your data you can have with a relationship view, then there is no manual intervention required. So today we're going to look at the next most important component of designing text analytics solutions. And Yazad, fill us in, what are we looking at today and let's get into it.
00:00:56 - Yazad Sure. Thanks Glenn for the introduction. So, after you've explored your data effectively, as we demonstrated in our last session, the next critical step in designing the reporting is the reporting framework. This is a very important component of the design process, and the quality of the final output will directly be determined by the reporting framework you create in the platform.
It's important to reach a stage where you have the right level of coverage of customer comments and the accuracy rate. Now, using traditional text analytics solutions, this process can be very immersive and very time-consuming, requiring the user to be very well trained in this subject. And we say this from our experience.
One of our clients using another text analytics platform previously has acknowledged that it would take them over a year to train that platform to be confident in using the outputs. Now this is where Ipiphany stands out and shines. Ipiphany gives a very strong head start. Users as topics are predefined and very detailed.
This allows the users to hit the ground running and get maximum impact in minimum time. We've made it really easy for our users, unlike some of the other major VoC solution providers in the software space.
00:02:47 - Glenn: Yeah, absolutely, Yazad. And I think that thing that really stands out for me, there is a year to build, learn and train, some other platforms out there versus getting that right information in and being up and running with real insights in under 15 minutes is pretty outstanding.
So thanks for those gold nuggets. Is it possible to see Ipiphany in action to demonstrate this once again?
00:03:08 - Yazad: Sure. Absolutely, Glenn. Right now on my screen we have collected the data for the US market, for the online banking app reviews. So all the mobile banking customers who have given online feedback on Google Play and App store across a number of different banks operating in the US, we have collected their data. So we have about 350,000 customer reviews from that market.
And what we will do now is we take an example and create a reporting framework using this data. So keeping in mind that we are looking at the mobile banking experience here on the right hand side we have a huge list of different topics. So this is our pre-built framework.
So it starts from very high level topics like Digital Channel, Mobile App, Good Service Channel, etcetera, and it goes down to the most granular level and really small topics like Branch Experience, Customers calling multiple times, or Poor ability to manage cards via the app, etcetera.
So this coverage is really huge. It runs into thousands of topics. And the best thing is that you have these topics ready made for your use. Users don't have to go and create these topics from scratch. So let's start with a really quick example. So if I want to create a topic about app features, I can type in my topic name over here and then straight away go and look out for the relevant topics under this section.
Let's say I want to include these specific topics over here. I can just add them here and nest it. So we've taken the app Security Feature, then we can take Move Money via the App as another example. And then we have a few other examples like App Payment Feature and we may look at App Cheque Deposit feature.
So here what I have now is I have created my main topic which is App Features. And under that I have created four subtopics in just a matter of a few seconds. Now, similarly, what I can do is if I want to look at the login experience, I can type in the topic name and then similarly look out for other suitable subtopics which would form a part of this larger Topic App Login Feature.
Then I want to understand those who are talking about the app login screen here, biometric experience and let's say app password login-related. So now we have another topic which has been created over here, which is App Login Experience which contains a number of different subtopics here.
Now the key to keep in mind is these topics are very smartly built. They are not just containing some keywords. For example, if I look at the Biometric Login over here and I go to the examples here, we can see that under the biometric login topic there are a number of customers who are talking directly about biometrics, or customers talking about face ID or fingerprint, etcetera
There are a number of ways in which customers can be talking about their Biometric Login Experience. And Ipiphany does a great job in including all those relevant comments under these subtopics. And what we also advise users is that after building each topic, they should go through the examples to validate the contents of the main topic before proceeding and finalising their reporting frame.
That's just an example of a couple of topics that we've created over here, but I can continue to build more and more topics in a very simple and similar way.
00:10:46 - Glenn: That's incredibly detailed. What happens when customers start sharing new feedback about topics not included in the framework? Are these hidden insights captured?
00:10:35 - Yazad: Yes, Glenn, that's a very interesting question and we get asked this quite frequently and the answer is yes. We do capture any new or hidden insights coming through customer feedback and we will touch upon this in quite a bit of detail in our next session.
00:10:50 - Glenn: That's fantastic. It really shows that creating a framework for reporting in Ipiphany with all that horsepower at your fingertips is really quite simple. And we've created a sample in this session in literally just a matter of minutes.
Thanks again. And if you want to have a look at your data in our platform, feel free to sing out. We can organise a demo.